
Half full or half empty?

March 31, 2010

Kevin MucCullagh has written a challenging, and long, piece explaining his questions and concerns about design thinking and you can see it posted on Core 77 here.

I support much of what he has to say. Design thinking has to show impact if it is to be taken seriously. Designing is as much about doing as it is about thinking. Designers have much to learn from others who are more rigorous and analytical in their methodologies.

What I struggle with is the assertion that the economic downturn has taken the wind out of the sails of design thinking. My observation is just the opposite. I see organizations, corporate or otherwise, asking broader, more strategic, more interesting questions of designers than ever before. Whether as designers we are equipped to answer these questions may be another matter.

I sympathize with Kevin's frustrations but I wonder how many of them stem from a business culture that struggles to see the opportunity in change.

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