
Jamie Oliver's TED wish

February 16, 2010

For avid followers of the TED conference it will not be new news that British chef Jamie Oliver won the TED Prize this year. The result is that he gets $100,000 plus the chance to make his wish in front of the TED audience. These days that audience consists of millions (so far there have been over 200 million talks viewed on the website). You can already check out the video of his passionate plea for a healthier America. Here is his wish:

"I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity."

Tackling obesity and encouraging healthier eating is something that I believe design and design thinking can make a significant contribution to. Whether it be through innovations in new technologies and applications that allow us to track our food intake better, ( I am a big fan of the i-Phone app Lose It) or through the design of behavioral change programs that consist of new incentives, new tools and communication of new social norms. There have already been hundreds of folks volunteering to help but I hope that as designers we get behind this wish. The chronic diseases that result from obesity are a major cause of our out of control health costs.

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